Thursday, August 27, 2009

walao 2day i n my mum whole day shopping -.-. we ask my father for transport(his car hehehehe) then we go CP(Center Point) we go there go make my necktie put the name, my name XD JORDAN REA w8 4 a half an hour then palm square just look see oni, then go popular bookstore buy my mums SUDOKU book lol -.- ... then go see phone cuz i want new 1 n aso my old phone like old fashion ahhahahahaha wanted the G705 sony ericson -.- RM 739 my wanted the w995 walao RM1,400+ crazy already my mum -.-.. then go warisan didn't buy cuz price high so we check wisma merdeka ltr.. in warisan we went into Esprit cuz 40% discount on the 2nd item(lower price then the 1st item) lazy wan 2 say wat my mum bought but total RM439 after discount dont ask me about the price..................................zzzzzzzzzzzzz................... then go guardian cuz my mum wan buy makeup just follow oni -.- n see her oni -.-.... go 2 the uptown shop buy stuff dunno y the ppl wear apron O.O........ then go eat vedablu ^^ yeah then T_T don't have vannila classic so eat white chocalate ice-cream sad, my mum just drink latte...... then, father call from his office say he busy n ltr come 2 fetch us..... so we eat donut in big apple i oni eat lol my mum dont wan.......... father called say w8 at the shuttle bus stop O.O w8 there oni lo.......................................................... then he come wahooo then we eat in upperstar hehehehehe i eat spaghetti lol......... not gonna say wat my parents eat mum drink tequila sunrise lol......... i aso drink a little bit joke ^^ then finish the 2 girls sitting next 2 us sot lol.......... we go 2 wisma merdeka just 2 see phone........ find find find...... tada found my phone W580i hahahaha My mum n I dont want the G705 or the W995 so my mum ended up buying W705 my father bought the phone tat i wanted actually the G705 -.- my phone i like ooo black muahahhahaha XD then go home 9.00 pm lol late o dog havent eat -.-.......... some part i skip XD so long

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